An Unsolicited Email That Made Me Laugh Like A Hyena
Services: helping with stuckness
"Kandra Labs hired Sumana Harihareswara to do some consulting during the early days of Zulip ... I think this was one of the best decisions I made early on: it was incredibly helpful to have her to both help with direct work on setting up the community and bounce ideas off of and talk about what types of things we should be doing to help make Zulip a project that a community can grow around."
Founder and CEO of Kandra Labs, co-founder of Zulip
Clients we have worked with
Open Source Collective hired Changeset to create and run maintainer skills training, discussion, and co-working …
The Python Software Foundation engaged Changeset to develop, publish, and coordinate communication surrounding the sunsetting …
Warehouse powers the next-generation replacement for the Python Package Index -- basic Python community infrastructure.
Harihareswara occasionally provides advice to Tidelift on connecting with and serving open source software maintainers, …
The Packaging Working Group of the Python Software Foundation engaged Changeset to coordinate and improve …
The Electronic Frontier Foundation hired Changeset to help improve HTTPS Everywhere's project workflow for developers …
Via the consulting firm Open Tech Strategies, and as part of Solution Guidance Corporation, Harihareswara …
Following a sprint with OpenNews in December 2016 to help write a guide to newsrooms …
About our founder
Sumana Harihareswara
Blogs at Cogito, Ergo Sumana
Sumana Harihareswara is an open source software contributor (GitHub) and project manager with over fifteen years of experience in the software industry. She has managed open source projects for the Python Software Foundation, GNOME, Wikimedia Foundation, OpenNews, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and more, and managed work on Autoconf, pip, PyPI, Zulip, MediaWiki, Mailman, and more. Her past leadership in nonprofit, academia, industry, and volunteer organizations earned her an Open Source Citizen Award in 2011 and the Google Open Source Peer Bonus in 2018. She lives in New York City and founded Changeset in 2015.
If you hate bad meetings, you should talk to @ChangesetLLC.
I’ve walked away from every meeting run by @brainwane with a sense of awe and wonderment rather than crankiness and regret.
Efficient, painless, productive.
My view is that an open source project without a healthy external community doesn't provide most of the benefits of open source....
Kandra Labs hired Sumana Harihareswara to do some consulting during the early days of Zulip ... I think this was one of the best decisions I made early on: it was incredibly helpful to have her to both help with direct work on setting up the community and bounce ideas off of and talk about what types of things we should be doing to help make Zulip a project that a community can grow around.
Whenever I wonder 'What has Sumana been up to lately', I see her working on some excellent new project, cleaning out a neglected backlog, organizing training materials, helping people start an event, documenting something undocumented, prodding WMF to get smarter -- in other words, she's been tirelessly, fearlessly, capably making things better for our dev community, which in turn benefits the quality of the software we build together.
Recent posts by our founder